Risultati: 70


On Monday, February 25 the inauguration, in Bologna, of G-Factor - the new incubator-accelerator aimed at up-and-coming businesses - completes the open ecosystem of Fondazione Golinelli, which integrates activities in the fields of education, professional development, research, technology transfer,venture capital in synergy with business incubation and acceleration, and the fostering of the arts and sciences. The new 5,000 sqm will complete the existing structure of the citadel of knowledge, innovation and culture covering an area of 14,000 sqm overall. LEGGI TUTTO
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In October 2017 the Golinelli Arts and Sciences Center was inaugurated, facing Opificio Golinelli, a center for research, imagination and experimentation. The guiding principle that leads our initiatives in this area is the awareness that the union of arts, sciences and technologies brought about the highest periods of Western culture and is the...

Amministrazione trasparente

An open ecosystem where educational and professional development, research and technology transfer, venture capital in synergy with business incubation and acceleration, all come together harmoniously. Fondazione Golinelli continues to foster the arts and sciences to expand access to knowledge and understanding. Inaugurated in 2015 and designed by

Educational Travel to CERN, Switzerland: call for applications

Fondazione Golinelli, in cooperation with the Foundation Cern & Society, offers to 20 teachers the opportunity to apply for free to an educational travel to the CERN headquarters in Switzerland. The programme is mainly dedicated to upper secondary school teachers but 5 places are available for lower secondary school teachers. Applications opened from September 26, 2018 until March 18, 2019. When: May 10, 11 2019 ( departure from Bologna by bus on May 9 in the morning and return May 11 in the evening) LEGGI TUTTO
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Fondazione Golinelli è partner e sede principale del Laboratorio Territoriale per l’Occupabilità Opus Facere - fare per capire http://www.opusfacere.it/: un progetto nato nel 2016 con il finanziamento di € 750.000 dal MIUR (legge n. 107/2015). Fondazione Golinelli, in rete con 11 Istituti Scolastici della Città metropolitana di Bologna ...

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Chi SIamo


Area Arti e Scienze

3 Marzo - Gazzetta di Modena

Area Scuola


Area impresa

Updated: October 9, 2018 SUMMARY OF OUR PROCESSING ACTIVITIES The following summary provides you with a quick overview of the processing activities that are undertaken on our website. You will find more detailed information under the indicated sections below: SCOPE OF PRIVACY POLICY LEGAL BASIS LINKS TO THIRD PARTY WEBSITES

Giardino delle imprese

Opificio Golinelli: where knowledge, innovation and culture meet


I hope students, young people, educators, and all citizens, have a dream to strive for, a promise that will give meaning and purpose to their lives, knowing they have a significant role in a global world. We must not be afraid to face the future, we must be involved and aware of the social responsibility that we all have. The foundation is dedicated to supporting youth and society, by inspi...


Andrea Zanotti, President Antonio Danieli, Vice President Adriano Fabris, Councilor Emilio Ferrari, Councilor Stefano Golinelli Jr, Councilor


Sergio ParentiSergio Graziosi Giovanna Randazzo